hard to believe that another year has come and flown by, and that
it is now 2023! Over the last 17 years I have been steadily building
and refining my web site. Many improvements were made reworking the
pages for a more cohesive and attractive look. This newer design allows
for easy navigation throughout my site. I will always be acquiring
and listing many beautiful and unique Gem & Mineral specimens
from around the World, for sale here. I sincerely hope that you will
enjoy browsing around!
I have been collecting Gems & Minerals passionately since I was
a very young boy growing up in Toronto, Canada in the early 60's.
In those days, the museum curator of the Royal Ontario Museum was
kind enough to discard a mix of surplus minerals into a big heap in
the Museum's back courtyard. That gave us little "city pack rats"
a chance to sift through and see if we could come up with any beauties
before the trash man came to haul the rubble away. Ha! We did indeed
find some neat things. Oh well, it kept us out of trouble and it piqued
our curiosity to collect more and more minerals.
Eventually, by way of Toronto, New York, and various other locations,
I finally settled out here in the "Land of Enchantment,"
New Mexico. I continued acquiring many beautiful specimens, gradually
building my collection throughout the years. With the encouragement
of my lovely wife Lilia, I decided to become more involved in this
wonderful world of Gem & Mineral collecting by starting my own
Internet business.
This adds a nice balance to my life as a professional
musician. I play drums in various bands in the Albuquerque/Santa
Fe area. My other careers have been those of Graphic Designer, as
well as Flight Instructor. I still travel to Maui each spring (where
I had the privilege of living for 8 years), to play music in the resorts
for about six weeks annually. My hobbies outside of Gems & Minerals,
is just enjoying time with my wife Lilia, and the beauty that surrounds
us here in the Land of Enchantment. We enjoy hiking in New Mexico,
and traveling whenever we have the opportunity.
I will regularly be listing many beautiful and high quality specimens
for sale that I have acquired over the years. Something will be available
for every collector...from the beginner to the experienced.
Please bookmark my site, and do check in once in a while to see what
new beauties are available. It would be great to hear from you, so
please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions.
Until then, keep collecting, and be well. Thank you kindly for your
time in stopping by, and have a great day!
very best to you all - Guy Russo

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